Sunday 19 August 2012

Sunday breakfast ~

原本以为可以吃到burger king 的早餐,结果太迟了,逼着要吃其他的早餐。 新加坡的burger king 跟马来西亚的不一样, 新加坡的比较好吃。

结果我们就去吃中餐,香港餐厅,我叫了一碟海鲜炒面,锋就叫了个辣子鸡配饭。还有碟小菜- 皮蛋。


Saturday 18 August 2012



想必我好像把自己的部落给忘记了吧~ 其实我好久都没开,是因为我都没时间, 每天放工回家,一大早就得出门上班去~ 这种日子已差不多过了一年了吧~ 在这些日子里,发生了好多好多事情哦~有的真的毕生难忘,就算要忘记也忘不掉。

我会后悔吗?我知道自己时常鲁莽行事,但有件事是不后悔,就是和老公相处的这些日子,还有种种的细节,我爱你~锋! 那你呢?有后悔和我一起吗?我常问他的问题。
其实我会对你说这些,是因为我讨厌你的过往,你以前的事。但你都会对我说一切一切都是过去似。为什么我还是不停的问呢?原因很简单,因为我得一想二,贪心的起源,会带给我怎么样的改变吗? 我很怕! 其实我知道你已经为我改变了许多,我觉得我们两很相似,都是爱玩,爱吃,爱和朋友一起的感觉~ 

老公锋,我们最近都为了我们的家而烦恼,还有装修费,生活费,工作等等。我知道你累了,可是这才刚刚开始而已~ 我们得努力努力哦。 

我已经努力的上一些运动课程了。就比如说 kick boxing。 
上个礼拜才刚刚开始第一堂课,感觉还不赖,可是实际上能否成功得看自己的耐力和意志力吧~ 努力努力吧佩琪~

他们和我一起好像什么都忘记了似的~ 玩得很疯癫~哈哈哈。
他们就是ruiwen, sara, shufen, sihan, albert, 谢谢你们。在这里工作真的好压力, 是我的适应能力差呢,还是说我没用好。

我要好好地利用剩余的时间去完成我的心愿~ 我要好好地照顾老公和自己,这样才对的起父母和自己~还有老公。 

希望接下来的日子不会太难熬就好~ 工作不要太沉重就好~ 期待自己的屋子还有一切一切都顺顺利利吧!

Tuesday 15 November 2011



我知道你每次在想要怎样疼我对吧? 每次你都烦恼着要带我去哪,但是老婆我知道你有的时候很累,所以就说不想出!然后两人就在家看看电视剧还有看看电影等。




Friday 22 July 2011

Working Working ~


Work Work Work, So tired with my work, everyday gonna awake around 6.30 am, and prepare for work, then go nearest bus station and take direct bus to office. Actually if take own car only need for 7 mins to reach office, but if you take bus need take about 20mins to 30mins to reach, is wasted my time. but have no choice.
This is SG~ not Malaysia, who ask me to come over? unless go back.
No way! i want stick together with Mr. Ricky~
where you go, i will be there for you!
i'm very lucky that have you beside me, have you to take care of me.
I love you~

Thursday 21 July 2011



我好像不知不觉中,中了你的毒~ 哈哈,

Saturday 19 February 2011

Tired day 19/02/2011

Today work for full day shift from 10am to 10pm, Early in the morning go to work around 9am from serangoon take MRT circle line to Paya lebar, then change green line to tampines. I work at Tampines 1 shopping centre, so when i reach Tampines, i go to buy a cup of coffee as my breakfast. Then after half an hour, jocelyn ask me whether i can help her to buy milo ice or not? Then of course can, then i go help her buy milo ice in the coffee shop that sell $2 chicken rice area, i buy my second cup of coffee for myself.

Around 3.50pm i start to take my lunch, Jocelyn help me go buy rice at (Xiao Ba Wang) stall at B1, i take *lu rou* rice, then because of i request too much chilli already, so make myself full of fire (HOT). after take that rice i felt my stomach ache and feel hot inside stomach. And gastric come and find me in this moment after i take chilli too much.

10.20pm i will watch movie with May yee, <<127>> at tampines mall (Golden Village), She said this movie is intrested, so i would like to have the chance to watch movie with may yee also. so i go for the movie tonight. But after movie is around 12am, i think that time i need to take a cab back home. If not that's no transportation that can reach home around that time. normally MRT station close around in the same time. And 12am i need to pay double. because during midnight have a surcharge for that period. (normally is double pay).

Hope this movie is Nice as <>. (^_^)y

Wednesday 16 February 2011

What a painful working day!...

Early in the morning, my nose start bleeding (non-stop) ,
Always it's give me a sign before my menstrual flow, then i will get nose bleeding.

Yesterday after my work go home and cook the teriyaki chicken and vege and egg with tomato,
then after dinner i go for movie with cass, the movie is name as <<>>. Heroine is Jennifer Aniston, she is so pretty and so nice. especially her smile in this movie, so charm!
I know her start with this movie!

Last night i chatting with ricky, he was told me that he interested on me. but i think he's kidding with me only. because we just came out for 2 times, then he told me that the 1st we meet up i give him a good image already, so he just want to know more about me. then we start to chit-chat in msn.

This morning i being informed that maybe next week my monday off will change it to thursday. but i hope that i dont change because sunday -tuesday i got continues off, so i dont want to change, but she said due to coming monday having a meeting in the head office, so regard the korea briefing so need people in office, then no choice, but after i go out buy breakfast already, when im returning back that time, she told me that if she can make it not to change mine off, but have to wait for tomorrow, because she need to go meeting at head office today then she check whether got new stuff coming in on that day or not, if yes then she can make it let me off on monday.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Boring Day!

今天早上,cass 让我叫她起身, 好让她做准备,因为今天是她的interview for


今早出门了,在来上班的路途中,我接到个电话,是ivy 打来的,她问我要吃米粉吗?当时,我有点睡不醒的感觉, 我好像不知道自己要回答什么,然后ivy 请我吃米粉+蛋+鱼饼。 然后我自己也带了面包+蛋+肉干!好吃!!
中午时分,cass 来找辰序吃饭,结果变成我和cass 吃饭去了,因为ivy突然和一个india agent 的人去吃饭去了,counter 就只有我和辰序,结果只好丢下辰小姐, 然后跟cass 去吃饭!
怎么减~我就怎么的狂吃~干吗我啊?天啊~ 我要怎么办?今天签了comfirmation letter, 讲是讲有多50块,结果还不是他们给收去了~ 去!假设,如果我面试成功了,我要怎么办好啊?吃饱就坐下~没运动!真是名副其实的肥婆了啦我!!

Monday 3 January 2011

蕭敬騰 張惠妹 - 一眼瞬間 [完整版]

(女)白茫茫的星光洒在长长路上想念的冰凉你知道吗你浅浅的微笑深似海的眼光都能掀起我滔天的巨浪(男)你相信吗这是命吗这次我们放弃抵抗哪怕拥抱在身上画下深深的伤(合)只要看你一眼一瞬间哪怕是最后画面我的世界因为爱过而完美谁都不该离太远只要看你一眼一瞬间足够我熬过千年我不后悔爱若让末日提前我们要一起好好迎接那句点(女)白茫茫的星光洒在长长路上想念的冰凉你知道吗你浅浅的微笑深似海的眼光都能掀起我滔天的巨浪(男)你相信吗这是命吗这次我们放弃抵抗哪怕拥抱在身上画下深深的伤(合)只要看你一眼一瞬间哪怕是最后画面我的世界因为爱过而完美谁都不该离太远只要看你一眼一瞬间足够我熬过千年我不后悔爱若让末日提前我们要一起好好迎接那句点(女)如果相爱是错(男)错过又算什么(合)这一次我们宁死不放手往彼此的心里跳跳过天荒地老wo oh ...只要看你一眼一瞬间哪怕是最后画面我的世界因为爱过而完美谁都不该离太远只要看你一眼一瞬间足够我熬过千年我不后悔爱若让末日提前我们要一起好好迎接那句点

Sunday 2 January 2011

2011 NEW YEAR...

a new beginning started,
the 1st time i celebrate with my housemate, we went to JB for clubbing,
then know few frenz over there, sigh~
why i always show the ugly movement infront of cass's family, especially after drunk, it's really crazy!!! i dont drunk again~ it's really suck feel, keep vomit and uncontrol, i hate it,
but i was happy for the count down in jb, different experience,